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Suspended Ceiling for “Giallo” Restaurant

A suspended ceiling made of 100% recyclable, flameproof and sound-absorbing honeycomb cardboard. An eco-friendly and versatile product designed to replace traditional panels made of plasterboard, fibreglass or other non-recyclable materials.

Ristorante Giallo
Lille, Francia
cardboard suspended ceiling

Respecting the practical and aesthetic needs of space through an eco-sensitive approach.

This is the concept behind the modular suspended cardboard ceiling designed for the “Giallo” restaurant in Lille, France.

An eco-design project that furnishes the space, combining visual appeal, functionality and respect for the environment.

eco-friendly suspended ceiling for restaurant

The eco-friendly alternative to traditional suspended ceilings in plasterboard, fibreglass or other non-recyclable materials.

Made of 100% recyclable, fireproof and moisture-resistant honeycomb cardboard, the suspended ceiling of the large “Giallo” dining hall is designed to replace the materials normally used for these types of constructions.

We’re talking about non-recyclable materials such as fibreglass, normally disposed of in landfills and generating additional quantities of polluting waste. Or even plasterboard, which is recyclable but has to be taken to specialised collection centres, often a deterrent for most consumers.

Moreover, substantially higher amounts of CO₂ are emitted to produce and recycle these materials as compared to the cardboard chain.

The suspended cardboard ceiling is therefore a sustainable choice that meets both technical and practical requirements. It can easily be recycled and reused as a raw material to build new products.

cardboard suspended ceiling

According to a study, cardboard panels are able to increase sound absorption by up to 40% more than regular plasterboard panels.

The suspended ceiling installed in the new dining hall of the “Giallo” restaurant is used to conceal the former ceiling, lighting cables and piping. The modular panels measuring 60×60 cm act as sound-absorbing elements, ensuring a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere.

Come già detto per il controsoffitto installato nel ristorante “La Bottega”, il miglioramento delle prestazioni acustiche di un locale è un aspetto da non sottovalutare, soprattutto quando si tratta di bar o ristoranti in cui fastidiosi rumori di sottofondo potrebbero influenzare negativamente la customer experience.

cardboard suspended ceiling for restaurant

The natural tones encourage new dialogues with the surrounding space, creating a sophisticated and elegant feel.

The suspended ceiling in honeycomb cardboard is for all intents and purposes a “feature” element, but one that also contributes, along with the rest of the furnishings, to the overall look of the room.

For the “Giallo” restaurant, we also created the columns in honeycomb cardboard, which serve as dividers between the different rooms.

The modular panels making up the suspended ceiling can be customised with different modular forms to create a higher or lower density effect.

A cardboard suspended ceiling is a versatile and adaptable solution for any setting.

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