Cartiere di Trevi, Materieunite and Printaly join forces for RIMEMO, an educational game on the paper chain.
RIMEMO is a game made of 100% recycled paper material from a project by Cartiere di Trevi, materials combined and Printaly to shape an educational experience on environmental awareness. By narrating the steps in the paper and cardboard industry, the twelve RiMemo tiles demonstrate how recycling can be applied in a creative and sustainable way.
Players of all ages are guided on a journey to discover the twelve stages of the supply chain, from the collection of the material to be recycled to its transformation into new paper and cardboard objects. The aim is to raise awareness of sustainability and the importance of recycling.
The illustrations of RIMEMO were created by two up-and-coming artists, Francesco Fidani and Sofia Figliè: the idea behind the project is to visually translate the transformation processes of the supply chain through the personification of objects or machines and analogies.
Machine components in action, characterised by faces and expressions, move within the space of the tile, drawing different compositions and full/empty relationships. The figures are defined by a geometric outline, softened by watercolouring using a trichrome palette.
The graphic design by Aureliano Capri and Ornella Susca sought to make the most of the union between the materiality of recycled paper and the freshness of the sign left by the illustrations.
RIMEMO’s instruction booklet has the task of introducing the game and revealing the steps that inspired the subjects of the illustrations, with a view to light and playful learning about the circular economy.
By joining forces, Cartiere di Trevi, materieunite and Printaly want to send out a powerful message: at all ages we can contribute to safeguarding the planet through conscious daily actions.
RIMEMO is a reminder that offers new generations the tools to understand, through play, how to build a greener and more sustainable future.
Project materieunite srl
Paper Cartiere di Trevi
Printed by Printaly srl
Illustrations Francesco Fidani e Sofia Figliè
Graphic Design Aureliano Capri e Ornella Susca
Photography Leonardo Zen